This site is little more than a personal blog. It doesn't intend to express the view of any organisation, grouping or tendency that exists in the world. There is, however, an aim of the owner of this blog. The aim is to promote an understanding of Marxism that grasps the immediate political tasks the working class is faced with. To compile and collect different perspectives on what I think Marxism is all about, to promote a specific interpretation and to hopefully serve as a useful resource for my own comrades or any Marxists who come across this. The name 'Partyist Marxism' signifies that I think the question of a party and political independence of said party is currently an important one for communists.
A bit about the positions on this website
- Internationalism: Communism cannot be attained within one country, within national borders anywhere, it must be international to flourish. This means building ties between the working class everyhwere and working against the division that imperialism brings about between the working class of the world.
- Class independence: The working class must be organised into an independent party which they constitute the leadership of. They cannot be lead by a party composed of middle-class or capitalist groups. This means rejecting subordinating an independent working class party to bourgeois parties whether in a governmental coalition or popular front.
- For a programmatic party: A workers party can only become a party that is at the head of the working class, composed of its advanced layers, if it has a programme. Political unity cannot be forced by bureaucratic means or ideological cohesion, it has to result from the organic political unity that results from a clear strategic and political direction. This programme must ultimately be a communist programme.
A collection of links, lists and such to things that influenced me and my political positions
Just because something is included here, it does not mean I endorse it wholly, or the views of the author, or really much about it other than that I have read it and thought it contributed to how I understand the world and think it's worth reading for you too.
External links
Stuff hosted here